Category: Christianity

Easter Saturday. A day to gloss over?

Christ’s resurrection from the dead is a sign and a wonder to dwarf all other signs and wonders. It opens the door to hope. Hope that death is not the end. Hope that darkness is not for ever. Hope that light really does triumph over darkness. Perhaps this is why we choose to focus most of our attention on Easter day’s celebration rather than the events of Good Friday. As for Easter Saturday, this is easily glossed over altogether. An inconvenient pause before a mighty celebration. I believe Easter Saturday is an important day which we neglect at our peril even though it is out of joint with the fashion of 2019.

The first Easter Saturday must have been a time of deep shock, grief, confusion and loss for the followers of Jesus. It was a time of unanswered questions. The crucifixion was not the sanitised event portrayed in polite art: it was a raw, horrific murder designed to humiliate the victim. What must the morning after the death of Jesus have been like for his family and followers? ‘Traumatic’ does not begin to describe it. A time for lament.

We in England in 2019 not do ‘lamentation’. The closest we get is a superficial feeling of gloom every time we are eliminated from football’s World Cup.

Celebration is an easy sell. Lamentation is the other end of the spectrum. Celebration is to celebrated: think New Year’s eve and firework displays from around the world. Lamentation is to be avoided. Are we are losing the vocabulary and capacity to express the range of emotions it involves? Consider Colin Brazier’s reflections written shortly after the death of his wife:

“At root, the modern funeral represents the privatisation of what, hitherto, was a public event. A funeral was one of the great punctuation marks in the life of a community. Open to all, imparting its lessons of Last Things to everyone, sharing a life story to a universal audience. But as soon as we start to treat funerals like a family ‘do’, where commemoration becomes a series of in-jokes or semi-private reflections, we close off the lives of others from that clear-eyed posthumous examination which only comes when their race is run. I am happy to leave it to the priest. It’s his gig. He will sum up my wife’s life, approaching that task not dispassionately, but at one step removed.

Then there’s the ‘celebration’ element. I have emailed friends and former colleagues with details of my wife’s funeral, politely asking them to leave their Hawaiian shirts and pink helium balloons at home. Black please, if you don’t mind. It’s unfair on children to insist that a funeral should mean rejoicing in a life now passed. Maybe grown-ups can handle the cognitive dissonance required in ‘celebrating’ a life rather than, you know, being all morbid. But I seriously doubt children can.” (Spectator 21 July 2018)

Colin views were reported in the English media and the reaction from the public suggests that he was onto something. He spoke about it very honestly and movingly on the radio.

When I was first forced to go to church as a schoolboy the part of the service I dreaded most was the weekly singing (perhaps not the right word) of a psalm. Boring does not begin to describe the experience. The language was archaic, the melody non-existent and the experience baffling. Fifty years later I increasingly appreciate and value the psalms and start to see why they formed the heart of both Jewish and Christian worship. They give us a window into the emotions of their authors and show us how they engaged with God. Some of them are celebrations (e.g. Ps 100). But a surprising number are lamentations: see for example Psalm 6. Here is Prof Ellen F Davis’s excellent short comments on this Psalm which say what I would like to say but much more elegantly than I could.

(This is taken from “Getting involved with God).

From time to time each of us experience disappointment, grief, abandonment and despair– probably not to the extent that Jesus’ followers did on Easter Saturday but none the less in a real way.   As Ellen Davis shows, the Bible does not air brush these difficulties from its pages and nor should we. 

Thank God for Easter Sunday but in our thanking let’s not forget the reality of the day before and make time and space to acknowledge times when Easter Saturdays seem more real than the joy of Easter Sunday.



“Glaucoma has been called the “silent thief of sight” as it is asymptomatic but causes irreversible vision loss. One of the most common ophthalmic conditions in the world, it is also the leading cause of irreversible blindness (World Health Organization, 2010)… Glaucoma …. is a silent progressive disease and is one of the leading causes of preventable blindness …Screening is key to diagnosis, and treatment adherence is critical to prevent vision loss in those who are diagnosed[1]

I have a personal interest in glaucoma.   It runs in my family.   A disease which steals sight by imperceptible degrees until one is blind sounds like horror fiction:  yet it frequently happens.

Something similar is happening to our ability identify truth and tell it apart from falsehood. Whereas  anyone in the public eye used to be careful not to be caught out being ‘economical with the truth’, now words are deliberately used without regard to truth or fiction. I don’t know if this is a cause or a symptom of the disease but of this I am sure: there is a silent thief at work causing us to lose our ability to perceive truth, albeit by such gradual degrees that we are becoming oblivious to our loss. Here are two stark examples which illustrate how successfully the silent thief is at work.

On 8th October 2018 When Kavanaugh was sworn in as a Justice of the Supreme Court, President Trump declared to the world, “You Sir, under historic scrutiny, were proven innocent.”

However one characterises the U.S. Senate hearing that approved Kavanaugh’s appointment, it was not a trial. The Senate committee had no power to declare innocence or guilt and it did not pretend to. Trump’s proclamation that his appointee had been ‘proven innocent’ was untrue.  We have become so used to such falsehoods that they seem hardly worthy of note. But each lie is worth noting and identifying for what it is, lest we become accustomed to a declining standard of truth, just as diseased eyes can become accustomed to increased darkness even when exposed to the mid-day sun.

For further evidence of increasing darkness, consider the reaction of Trump’s senior advisor and son-in-law,  Mr Jared Kushner, to the murder of Jamal Khashoggi.  According to the New York Times he said

“We’re getting facts in from multiple places. Once those facts come in, the secretary of state will work with our national security team to help us determine what we want to believe.”[2]

It’s worth pondering that sentence.  One sign that the truth-thief is at work is when a fact ceases to be a fact if someone does not want to believe it. This is the reverse side of the coin that proclaims something to be a fact on the basis that the person talking wants to believe it, despite there being  no evidence to support it (e.g. that Kavanaugh was ‘proven innocent’).

If glaucoma is to be treated, early inspection and detection is essential. Likewise the actions of the truth-thief. “The sayings of the wise are like nails firmly fixed.”  (Ecclesiastes 12:11 ). The sayings of those spreading this disease are the opposite: like words writ in water.  Unreliable, temporary and worthless.

Trump’s presidency began with a public row about how many people attended his inauguration. The White House made false claims and the world laughed in ridicule. That was 20th January 2017. Less than 2 years later we are now becoming as accustomed to hearing words used as weapons irrespective of their veracity as a glaucoma sufferer becomes accustomed to receding light.  We are in the danger zone where treatment is essential if blindness is to be avoided. The ability to perceive words of truth and tell them apart from what is not true should not be taken for granted. We have to work at it by sifting what we hear, identifying and calling out what is not true and having the courage to stand up for what is true.  

The two examples given above are from the USA.   Further examples could be given from UK politics.  And it does not stop at politics.  Why should anyone tell the truth when telling less than the truth can be effective to achieve one’s ends?  Here’s the rub.   If all you care about is winning, lie away:  suppress inconvenient truths and present dodgy evidence, gift wrapped and enhanced to delight the listener and sparkling to please the eye.  History shows that this works, at least in the short-term.

History also shows that there are long-term consequences.  A society that loses the ability to identify what is true is in deep trouble.  Mutual trust and confidence declines.  Communities break down.  When everything is doubted, relationships collapse and every relationship, be it commercial or family, is undermined.  Maybe this is why the Judaeo-Christian tradition puts a very high value on truth telling:-

16 There are six things that the Lord hates, seven that are an abomination to him: 17 haughty eyes, a lying tongue, and hands that shed innocent blood, 18 a heart that devises wicked plans, feet that make haste to run to evil, 19 a false witness who breathes out lies, and one who sows discord among brothers. 20 My son, keep your father’s commandment, and forsake not your mother’s teaching. Proverbs 6:16–20 (ESV)

12 Which of you desires life, and covets many days to enjoy good? 13 Keep your tongue from evil, and your lips from speaking deceit. 14 Depart from evil, and do good; seek peace, and pursue it. Psalm 34:12–14 (NRSV)

There is a further argument which sounds strange to our secular ears but which would have been taken for granted in times past.  God hears what we say.  He knows truth from untruth and He will hold us accountable for our words.  Now there’s a thought.  (1 John 1:5, Psalm 50:16-23, Psalm 139:1-4).  One day each of us will discover for ourselves whether this is true.  

But you do not have to believe in God to appreciate that there are strong logical reasons why a society which regards truth as optional is undesirable.  Would you want to visit a doctor if you thought he would tell you what you wanted to hear rather than what he knew to be true?  Would you want to be in a police station or a court if the police said what they wanted to be true (in order to increase detection rates) rather than what the evidence said?  When you die, what matters most to you: how those you love remember your character or how people record your achievements?  

  1. Marsden J (2014) Glaucoma: the “silent thief of sight”.Nursing Times; 110: 42, 20-22
  2. New York Times 22 Oct 2018


“Consider well her ramparts”.

Thoughts sparked by Psalm 48.

“Consider well her ramparts”—what an odd and striking phrase! You might expect to find it in a book of military strategy, but not in an ancient song of worship, yet there it is towards the end of Psalm 48.

The psalm celebrates the city of Zion. Zion’s significance is that it represents the ‘city of our God’. As the psalmist says “Within her citadels God has made himself known…” (Psalm 48:3). That is the context of the injunction to:

12  Walk about Zion, go around her,

number her towers,

13  consider well her ramparts,

go through her citadels,

that you may tell the next generation

14  that this is God,

our God forever and ever.

He will guide us forever.”

This calls to mind a book I used to read (whilst pretending I was reading it to my young children) which had engrossing cross sections of machines, ships and castles.

We are being invited to wander round Zion and to take in the details. We are asked to linger in her streets, to count her towers, to ponder her stairways, to look from afar so as to observe her overall characteristics, and to inspect up close to take in the detail.

The Psalmist is talking about a practice he himself performs. He tells us as much in verse 9: “We have thought on your steadfast love, O God, in the midst of your temple”. We are being invited to linger in God’s presence. To get to know Him: to allow ourselves to become familiar with what God is like.

This matters. It matters more than anything else. Knowing God is what make gives Life to life. (This is a consistent theme of the Bible from first to last. See for e.g. Amos 5:4, John 10:10, Proverbs 9:10). Yet knowing God is not meant to be a solely or even mainly an intellectual exercise. You might know the layout of a city from a map but until you have visited it and taken time to see what it is like, you don’t know the half of it. You need a real visit, and to listen to the city’s people—to learn their stories of the city’s past and to see for yourself. Only that way can you start to experience the city.

This Psalm is urging us to pay a visit. To linger in God’s presence “That you may tell the next generation that this is God” (v13). This is salutary. We have largely lost the art of lingering in God’s presence: we have unlearned the stories that earlier generations told each other about what the God of the Bible is like. Contemporary popular ideas of what God are no longer a reliable guide (at least when measured against the God of the Bible). Consider this description by Rev Gerald Hughes

God was a family relative, much admired by Mum and Dad, who described him as very loving, a great friend of the family, very powerful and interested in all of us. Eventually we are taken to visit ‘Good Old Uncle George’. He lives in a formidable mansion, is bearded, gruff and threatening. We cannot share our parents’ professed admiration for this jewel in the family. At the end of the visit. Uncle George turns to address us.
‘Now listen, dear,’ he begins, looking very severe, ‘I want to see you here once a week, and if you fail to come, let me just show you what will happen to you.’ He then leads us down to the mansion’s basement. It is dark, becomes hotter and hotter as we descend, and we begin to hear unearthly screams. In the basement there are steel doors. Uncle George opens one.
‘Now look there, dear,’ he says. We see a nightmare vision, an array of blazing furnaces with little demons in attendance, who hurl into the blaze those men, women and children who failed to visit Uncle George or to act in a way he approved.
‘And if you don’t visit me, dear, that is where you will most certainly go,’ says Uncle George. He then takes us upstairs again to meet Mum and Dad. As we go home, tightly clutching Dad with one hand and Mum with the other. Mum leans over us and says, ‘And now don’t you love Uncle George with all your heart and soul, mind and strength?’ And we, loathing the monster, say, ‘Yes, I do,’ because to say anything else would be to join the queue at the furnace. At a tender age religious schizophrenia has set in and we keep telling Uncle George how much we love him and how good he is and that we want to do only what pleases him. We observe what we are told are his wishes and dare not admit, even to ourselves, that we loathe him.
Uncle George is a caricature, but a caricature of a truth, the truth that we can construct a God who is an image of our tyrannical selves”

The danger of constructing God in our own image is decreased if we follow the Psalmist’s advise and find ways to spend time in the presence of the living God and to ponder what He is like. We owe it to the next generation to do this. For how can we tell them ‘that this is God’ (v13) if we don’t know God ourselves? I might as well imagine that I can take you on a tour of a city that I have never taken the opportunity to explore but have only visited briefly between other engagements.

So how do we “Consider her ramparts” etc? Here are a some suggestions:

  • Making time. It takes time to explore a city. It takes time to get to know God. In the Psalmist’s day, work was only allowed 6 days out of 7. One day a week was set aside for worship. No doubt the Sabbath could be abused and often was, but our constant activity crowds out space for exploring what God is like and creates its own problems. Time to explore creative ways of designating time for pursuing God. Making some time sacrosanct and muting one’s mobile might be a start. Psalm 46:10: “Be still and know that I am God”.
  • Joining with others for worship of Christ. Our society puts huge emphasis upon the individual and individual fulfilment. Jesus called individuals to follow Him but He did not call them to do this on their own, but together with others. (Matthew 18:20, Acts 1:14, Acts 2:42-47 etc). It seems that God chooses to make himself known when His people gather together to worship Him. Joining together with other Christians for worship together is one way of touring the ramparts! (See Revelation 21:22).
  • What does the Bible reveal about God? Reading the Bible and wise commentaries that explain what scripture means is not a new idea. It is deeply unfashionable. Yet I believe that until we re-discover what God has revealed about Himself through scripture we shall continue to behave like people lost in the thick dark smoke of a fire, searching for an exit but unsure where the door we once heard about is, and increasingly uncertain what it looks like. For a contemporary and readable introduction to what God is like I recommend John Marc Comer’s book “God has a name” (available on Kindle, and as audio download) which explores the meaning of Exodus 34:6-7.
  • Find a travel guide. Find a friend who you respect who has been a follower of Jesus for longer than you and ask them to take you on a tour of the City. Take them to Psalm 48 and ask them to describe the ramparts. That should get a conversation going!

Post Script.

T.S. Eliot’s Love Song of J Alfred Prufrock is another poem which invites us to take a tour of a city. I don’t understand it, but I enjoy the cadences and the first and last lines of this stanza make an important point. Theory and roaming in the imagination is all very well, but the important point is “Let us go and make our visit”

Let us go then, you and I,
When the evening is spread out against the sky
Like a patient etherized upon a table;
Let us go, through certain half-deserted streets,
The muttering retreats
Of restless nights in one-night cheap hotels
And sawdust restaurants with oyster-shells:
Streets that follow like a tedious argument
Of insidious intent
To lead you to an overwhelming question…
Oh, do not ask, “What is it?”
Let us go and make our visit.”

For those who want something more contemporary: there is the advice of the Schuyler Sisters in Hamilton when visiting a new city :

“Look around, Look around…”


What/who do we make time and space for?  Some thoughts from Psalm 132 and some holiday reading.

“I will not enter my house

Or get into my bed,

I will not give sleep to my eyes

Or slumber to my eyelids,

Until I find a place for the Lord,

A dwelling place for the Mighty One of Jacob”.

Ps 132:3-5

I’m not sure I have ever noticed these words before. They make me stop and think. They speak of a single-minded determination to make space for God.  What are we to make of them? Are they evidence of an bygone world and mere history or are they a wake-up call for today?

The words are attributed to King David. They show his single minded determination to give priority to ‘find[ing] a place for the Lord’. David was thinking in terms of building a temple that would represent God’s dwelling place. Christians could easily dismiss these words because the significance of the Temple was radically altered for Jesus’ followers in light of Jesus’ words ‘where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them’ (Matthew 18:20). To dismiss David’s words would, however, be to miss out.

‘Finding a place for the Lord’ no longer means locating a suitable plot of land, assembling a workforce, gathering lavish materials and embarking upon a massive building project. Today it is equally demanding but the demands are different. It means finding time and making space so that Jesus can influence the decisions we make. It means deliberately forming habits which will allow the Holy Spirit to determine our ‘shape of living’ (to borrow a phrase from the title of David F. Ford’s excellent book, see below).

What strikes me is David’s single-minded determination to prioritise the business of finding a place for the Lord.  David had a kingdom to run, an army to lead, a people to satisfy and a (dysfunctional) family that provided no end of trouble, much of it caused by himself.  Among all this, he still determines to order his priorities in the way he describes. What about me: how determined am I to find ‘a place for the Lord’ in the business of living?

Looking at the Bible as a whole, David can’t be written off as an extremist exception. The God of the Bible is worthy of our attention and He demands that He takes precedence over everything/everyone else. (See for example Exodus 20:1-7, Matthew 16:24-26). This is a very uncomfortable idea for us today. We have become accustomed to having God on our own terms.   Finding ways to allow the Holy Spirit to shape our way of living is perpetually challenging.

Being busy has become a badge of worth—whilst paradoxically we long for the ability and opportunity to be still. Being still is now a skill we have to learn: being busy is an affliction thrust upon us by default so we need to take active steps to break this pattern.

By default our priorities arrange themselves so that ‘finding a place for the Lord’ gets squeezed out. Maybe that is why neither the Old Testament nor the New Testament contains a single example of an accidental disciple (or a part time disciple come to that).

Here are some readable books that give practical advice about how to construct a way of living that ‘finds a place for the Lord’.  My experience is that these books won’t do it for you (any more than reading a book on dieting loses weight for you) but they have helped me to be more clear about what I am aiming at and how it might be done. If you have other books that you have found helpful on this theme, please let me know.

“The Life You’ve Always Wanted: Spiritual Disciplines for Ordinary People” by John Ortberg. (This is also available as an audio book)

“Shaping the Heart” by Pamela Evans

The Shape of Living: Spiritual Direction for Everyday Life” by David F. Ford

“Spiritual Fitness: Christian Character in a Consumer Culture” by Graham Tomlin

David’s words confront us with the question: what matters most to us today?

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